Bankruptcy is the only legal way of liquidation of a legal entity with debts. The bankruptcy procedure is governed by a significant number of legal acts and its implementation should take into account a variety of legal issues.
In case you are a creditor and have already become desperate returning your debt and have exhausted all the normal procedures (litigation, execution procedures, return of assets, debt restructuring and other methods of recovery), then bankruptcy is the only way to protect your rights and legitimate interests. In case you are a debtor, bankruptcy is often a legal way for you to cease your debt.
Our company provides services ranging from the selection of the optimal strategy for bankruptcy to the issuance of an order for liquidation of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
Under this practice, we provide the following services:
For the Debtor:
Development of the defense strategy, including measures to prevent bankruptcy aimed at minimizing the loss of the possible introduction of bankruptcy proceedings;
Formation of the necessary documents to apply for voluntary bankruptcy (choice of optimal bankruptcy schemes, collection and submission of necessary documents, queries, preparation of application to the court and the authorized body);
Representing the interests in court, without the formation of a set of documents;
Representation in the bankruptcy procedure.
For the Creditor:
Formation of the claims of the creditor towards the debtor and development of the corresponding package of documents required for filing a bankruptcy petition;
Representing the interests in court, without the formation of a set of documents;
Representation in the bankruptcy procedure (control over the actions of the bankruptcy administrator, legal assessment of his activities, submission of complaints on his actions/omissions; submission of applications for annulment of decisions of the creditors’ (committee) meetings, representation of the interests of the creditor at creditors’ (committee) meetings; participation in negotiations with other creditors).
Furthermore a legal entity in connection with termination of its activity can be liquidated voluntarily. What are the deadlines liquidation? What authorities should you apply to and what documents should you submit in order to implement the procedure of voluntary liquidation?
Our company is ready to answer all the questions posed above and provide full support of the whole process of voluntary liquidation of a legal entity.
Under this practice, we provide the following services:
Legal support of the whole process of voluntary liquidation starting from the decision to liquidate, submitting a notice to the tax and justice authorities, preparation of interim and final liquidation balance sheet up to publication of the liquidation announcement and exclusion of the legal entity from the state registry;
Representing the interests and participation in the process of a tax audit within the framework of liquidation procedure;
Legal support of all the processes related to voluntary liquidation starting from satisfying of creditors' claims, distribution of the remaining property between the stakeholders to the sale of the remaining assets of the liquidated legal entity and the distribution of sums of the sold property between the stakeholders.
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For more information, please contact: + 7 (727) 311 07 57, + 7 (727) 311 15 37
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